Green Prince



The prince nymph has spawned many creative patterns over the last couple of decades. With so many imitations it seems hard to weed the good from the bad. One day I grabbed a couple patterns and went to the boss asking which ones should I use. His answer was simple enough, “If it has prince in the name it will catch fish”. This was rung true on more than one occasion and you can bet a couple of these guys will go missing and end up in staff fly boxes. This pattern will fish well especially in off colored water. The chartreuse ice dubbing will attract a fish from far away, while the natural characteristics are there to ensure a strike. A black beadhead, goose biots for wings and a tail, along with a soft hackle, everything needed to give this guy a buggy look. Fish in a dead drift, near the bottom, and allow to swing towards the surface as if it is emergering. Sure to be a favorite for trout and steelhead this summer.

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