Fly Fishing the Greater Yellowstone Backcountry — Bruce Staples (Softcover)



Yellowstone National Park is one of the most crowded parks in the country, and for good reason: breathtaking scenery, amazing wildlife, and for anglers, great fishing. Yet, even a short hike from the road or trailhead into the backcountry of the park and the surrounding area can put anglers into even better fishing, often in solitude. This guidebook focuses on backcountry fishing opportunities in Yellowstone Park and surrounding areas in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho (Greater Yellowstone Area). In addition to full color photographs of the destinations, the author includes essential information for each stream or lake, including maps and written directions, flies, gear, and timing. About the Author Bruce Staples, of Idaho Falls, Idaho, has fly-fished the Greater Yellowstone area for thirty-five years. His articles have appeared in Fly Tyer, American Angler, Fly Fishing the West, Yellowstone-Teton Country, and Fly Fisher magazines. He is the author of Flies for GreaterYellowstone Area (Stackpole), Snake River Country Flies and Waters, The Yellowstone Park River Journal, and Trout Country Flies. Bruce is a member of the Upper Snake River Fly Fishers of Rexburg, Idaho, and the Snake River Cutthroats of Idaho Falls. He is active in the Federation of Fly Fishers (FFF) and received the Western Rocky Mountain Council, FFF, Fly Tier of the Year award in 1990, and the Charlie Brooks Memorial Life Membership in 1998. In 2001 he received the FFF’s Buz Buszek Memorial Award for fly-tying excellence. He is a member of the Whiting Farms and Daiichi Pro staffs.

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